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Q. & A.


Q: Requirements to Register !

To be eligible to register with Momayyaz.com, you got to be at least 18 years of age, all the required data like your name, email, location, ... are subject to our privacy policy where you're highly encouraged to read it.

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Q: What is the max. size of the image I can upload ?

Currently, 5 M.


Q: How long does it usually take to activate an Ad. ?

After submitting your ad. to be reviewed, usually it doesn't take long, max. of 8 hours, we're working towards being that approximately instant. All ads. are subject to our terms and condition of use.


Q: My mobile phone number is not shown on my Ad. ?

To show your mobile phone number or your landline phone number, your mobile number should be verified, an sms message should be sent to your mobile with a verification code where you can verify your mobile. After your mobile verified, you can choose to hide/show your phone numbers using your Admin section / Profile.


Q: My email address is not shown in my Ads. ?

You're not allowed to show your email address, there is a section where customers can contact you via email.


Q: What is the View Rate of an Item. ?

The view rate is the number or times this item has been viewed divided by the total number of days displayed, i.e. Average of Daily Hits.

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